We work closely with licensed funeral homes, memorial dealers, and other community and religious organization, to provide a range of traditional and cremation interment options.
Funeral directors interment procedures
For funeral directors wishing to submit their interment request(s), please call us at 204-986-4348.
Please be aware that we need to know if there is any kind of liner/shell or wood to be used. If a concrete liner is being used, we will need to know the type (i.e. #1 to 7). If a wood box is to be used in the infant section, we need to know the size.
In the case of cremation interments, if the urn is a larger than average size, please let us know.
Regarding any interment, we may require a letter of authorization from the owner/heir of the lot/plot before the interment.
Note: from May 1 to October 31 we require 24 hours' notice and from November 1 to April 30 we require 48 hours' notice (excluding Saturday, Sunday and statutory holidays).
We do interments/inurnments Monday through Friday between the hours of 9 a.m. (9:30 a.m. at St. Vital Cemetery) to 3 p.m. After 3:45 p.m. a late charge will apply. Booking times are subject to availability at the time of booking, and are on a first come first serve basis. Any interment/inurnment where the grave or niche unit is not closed by Cemeteries staff by 3:45 p.m. will be subject a late funeral fee.
Weekend interment(s) are subject to staff availability and if approved, are subject to additional fees at the time of booking. Interments/inurnments do not take place on statutory holidays.
Contact us for prices or more information.
Memorial dealers application for installation
For memorial dealers wishing to submit their application for installation, complete the Application for Memorialization Installation (PDF, 92KB).
Note: the order will not be accepted until one of our Customer Service Advisors have confirmed it.
The type and size restrictions for each memorial will depend on the "Section" and on whether or not there is already an existing memorial on the site. A foundation may need to be poured before installation may take place. Please contact us to confirm the Lot and Section Number before filling out the form. In the case of an existing memorial, records were not kept until after 1988 in which case a visual check of the site by the memorial dealer may have to be done.
Please be advised that installations will not begin until the frost is gone. A wet spring may also delay the date. Contact us in late April for an approximate date.
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We welcome your questions, comments and suggestions.