CentrePort South

CentrePort South is an area in Winnipeg within the CentrePort Canada boundaries. It includes 2,747 acres of undeveloped land.

The City of Winnipeg will be providing infrastructure to this area to support future development.


Airport Area West Industrial Secondary Plan

CentrePort South falls under the Airport Area West Industrial Secondary Plan. The plan outlines how future development will proceed by separating land into designated areas. Each designation prescribes what type of development will be permitted. The plan also directs future road and servicing infrastructure.

CentrePort South | Airport Area West Industrial Policy Area

CentrePort Canada

CentrePort Canada is an inland port that includes 20,000 acres of land in Winnipeg and the RM of Rosser. The area provides access to world class rail, truck, and air cargo operations.

The Province of Manitoba established CentrePort Canada Inc. through the CentrePort Canada Act in 2008. The corporation facilitates long-term development, operation, and promotion of the land.

CentrePort South Location Map

Click map to expand

Legislative framework

All development in Winnipeg must follow The City of Winnipeg Charter Act. It directs the City to determine how development should proceed within Winnipeg.

OurWinnipeg 2045 is the City's 25-year plan for strategic growth and development. It provides a vision and policies that influence how City services are provided, how residents get around the city, and how the city grows.

The Complete Communities Direction Strategy 2.0 is our plan for a more vibrant city. It is designed on an Urban Structure that describes its vision for land uses and development in Winnipeg's future.

Any application to develop land within the CentrePort South area must follow:


Development applications

Development in CentrePort South may need a development application. The approval process depends on the type of application. Approval may be made by the Director of Planning, Property & Development, or by Council through the public hearing process.

Other development application considerations:

The City uses a development permit to grant permission to undertake new development. It shows how a property owner intends to use the site. All development requires a development permit unless exempt by the Winnipeg Zoning By-law. Development permits are required for new structures, building alterations, changes in use, or signs.

Depending on the development location, Transport Canada’s airport zoning regulation may apply. TP 1247 is a regulation that provides guidelines for land near airports.

Learn more about land under control of the Winnipeg Airports Authority.

The OPCP allows for accelerated permit timelines. The program provides a target review time of five business days for commercial permit approvals. The City performs a cursory review of project documents. Consultants and property owners acknowledge responsibility for Code compliance. The program is offered for new constructions, additions, and renovations.



Development of the land in CentrePort South:

Robert Galston

District Planner ‐ Assiniboia Community

Economic advantages of developing in CentrePort and future development:

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