Net zero community design

How we design and build our city has an impact on how much energy we use. When homes, shops, work, and places for fun are closer together there are more options for how to get around. We can design buildings to use less energy and serve more people in a smaller area. Natural spaces with room for trees, water, plants and animals can be an important part of our city. When we plan for all these things together, we can prepare for a changing climate.

More information on building communities for net zero:

Green Building

Buildings are one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Winnipeg. They currently account for 44.4 percent of community-wide GHGs. Most building emissions come from natural gas heating. The Community Energy Investment Roadmap shows how to achieve net zero emissions in buildings.

The City's Building Energy Disclosure Project tracks how much energy buildings use. This information can help building owners make changes to improve performance.

The City has two green building policies:

These policies direct us to follow sustainable building practices for any new buildings, renovations, and major additions.

An update to these policies is set for 2024.

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