Winnipeg’s urban forest does a lot for the people of Winnipeg. It provides shade. It improves the health of people, plants, and animals. And it supports ecological viability.
What we’re doing
We are planting trees strategically and growing the urban forest through our Home Grown tree planting program.
This program focuses on:
- Reforestation, or replacing trees lost to disease, age, extreme weather, and other causes
- Planting new trees in community spaces like parks, boulevards, and greenspaces
- Making the tree canopy denser in natural areas like forests and along riverbanks
- Developing special projects and partnerships that will lead to more trees being planted
- And supporting Winnipeggers in growing the urban forest
We use the right tree, right place concept when planning our planting projects. Right tree, right place gives new trees get the best chance at successful growth and a long lifespan.
What you can do
Winnipeggers just like you can get involved in our urban forest in three primary ways:
Learn how your group can put boots on the ground, shovels in the dirt, and trees in the earth with the Home Grown Volunteer Program
Create a planting project
Learn how your group can get money for planting trees on public land
Plant trees personally
Plant a commemorative tree. Hire a contractor to plant a tree on public property. Plant a tree in your own back (or front) yard. Learn all the ways you can personally grow the urban forest.