Library locations and hours

There are 20 Winnipeg Public Library branches across the city - find one near you! 

Notice: Libraries are on Winter hours from September 3, 2024 to May 19, 2025.

Central Services


The exterior of the Bill and Helen Norrie Library.

Bill and Helen Norrie Library

15 Poseidon Bay

Today's hours:

Entrance to Charleswood Library branch showing blue sky and bikes parked outside

Charleswood Library

6-4910 Roblin Blvd.

Today's hours:

Entrance to the Fort Garry Library

Fort Garry Library

1360 Pembina Hwy.

Today's hours:

exterior of the Harvey Smith (west end) library

Harvey Smith Library

999 Sargent Ave.

Today's hours:

Entrance to the Henderson Library

Henderson Library

1-1050 Henderson Hwy.

Today's hours:

exterior of the Louis Riel library

Louis Riel Library

1168 Dakota St.

Today's hours:

entrance to the munroe library branch

Munroe Library

489 London St.

Today's hours:

exterior wall of the Osborne library showing poetry display

Osborne Library

625 Osborne St.

Today's hours:

entrance to the Pembina Trail library showing sign and parking lot

Pembina Trail Library

2724 Pembina Hwy.

Today's hours:

entrance to the James-assiniboia library on Portage avenue

St. James-Assiniboia Library

1910 Portage Ave.

Today's hours:

St. John’s Library recognized for renovation project

St. John's Library

500 Salter St.

Today's hours:

exterior of the St Vital library viewed from Fermor avenue

St. Vital Library

6 Fermor Ave.

Today's hours:

Entrance to the Sir william stephenson library showing parking lot and trees

Sir William Stephenson Library

765 Keewatin St.

Today's hours:

Entrance to the Transcona Library on a blue-sky day in winter

Transcona Library

1 Transcona Boulevard

Today's hours:

Entrance to the West Kildonan Library on Jefferson Ave.

West Kildonan Library

365 Jefferson Ave.

Today's hours:

entrance to the Westwood library on Allard avenue showing parking lot and trees

Westwood Library

66 Allard Ave.

Today's hours:

exterior of the windsor park library showing glass window walls and thin snow

Windsor Park Library

1195 Archibald St.

Today's hours:


Map of library locations

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