Newcomers to Winnipeg

The City of Winnipeg is committed to fostering a welcoming, inclusive, and safe community for all residents. 

Newcomer Welcome & Inclusion Policy

Thousands of newcomers arrive in Winnipeg each year with many facing economic and social challenges as they adjust to life in their new city. To ensure Winnipeg is welcoming and inclusive to all newcomers, the Human Rights Committee of Council directed the Public Service to develop a Newcomer Welcome and Inclusion Policy as one of their first actions. 

The policy and strategic framework were co-developed with Immigration Partnership Winnipeg and adopted in February 2020, to provide direction and goals for key City departments and services within them in their work to become more welcoming, accessible, and inclusive of newcomer perspectives and experiences.

The strategic framework is organized into five (5) pillars, or strategic priorities: 

  1. A Welcoming City
  2. A City without Racism 
  3. Equitable and Accessible Services 
  4. A Representative Workforce 
  5. Active Implementation

The Administrative Report on the Status Update on Phase 2 activities, which included our Phase 3 Implementation Priorities and Detailed Workplan were received by the Human Rights Committee of Council on Tuesday, September 12th, 2023. The committee concurred with the report recommendations, and it continued on its critical path to the Executive Policy Committee of Council, who also provided concurrence on, Thursday, September 21st, 2023. Finally, to the City of Winnipeg Council meeting on Friday, September 29th, 2023.

The report and included workplan have been informed by extensive stakeholder engagement, outlined in the Phase 3 Implementation Plan Stakeholder Engagement Summary (PDF, 1.2MB).

Learn more about the Newcomer Welcome & Inclusion Policy and Implementation update.

Anti-Racism Week

The City’s annual Anti-Racism Week is a key initiative within the Newcomer Welcome and Inclusion Policy. 

After launching Anti-Racism Week with community partners in 2021, the important initiative continues to grow. It has expanded to a yearlong focus on building bridges within the community and working to address systemic and institutional racism within our organization.

Learning opportunities

Since we launched Anti-Racism Week in 2021, we have held a number of Awareness and Action Speaker Series events. These webinars were recorded and are available for you to watch anytime on our website. The sessions are led by guest speakers from the community with lived experience and cover a variety of human rights topics.

You can also explore the library’s Racism and Anti-Racism Info Guide with resources to help you learn about the forms of racism, racial privilege, and what it means to be anti-racist.

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