Contact Winnipeg Golf Services

Golf Services contacts

We welcome your questions, comments and suggestions.

Ben Fey
General Manager
2nd Floor, 65 Garry St.
Winnipeg, MB
Email Ben

David Comaskey
Golf Operations Coordinator
2nd Floor, 65 Garry St.
Winnipeg, MB
Email David

Mike Brownridge
Maintenance Coordinator
2nd Floor, 65 Garry St.
Winnipeg, MB
Email Mike

Tournament requests & information

Book your next golf tournament at a City of Winnipeg municipal golf course!

We offer competitive rates at our three golf courses: Crescent Drive, Kildonan Park, and Windsor Park.

Request tournament information

Media inquiries

Media inquiries should be directed to City of Winnipeg Corporate Communications:

  • Email 
  • Phone: 204-986-6000

If you are not sure who to contact, please contact 311.

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