Affordable Housing Now provides eligible projects with support through two funding streams: Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Grants and Capital Grants.
The Affordable Housing Now Program provides support for the development of affordable rental housing that is also eligible through a funding program of the National Housing Strategy.
Eligible organizations
- Non-profit organizations
- For-profit organizations
- Indigenous governments and organizations
Eligible projects
- Social housing (rent-geared-to-income)
- Mixed market/affordable rental housing
- Transitional housing
- Supportive housing
Eligible construction
- New construction
- The conversion of non-residential use to residential use
- The rehabilitation of former residential buildings currently vacant and uninhabitable
Minimum program requirements
- Have a minimum of 5 units
- Have primary use as residential (greater than 70% of building gross square footage)
- Have greater than 30% of residential units rented at less than 80% of the median market rent for the area, as determined by CMHC
- Have eventual funding approval through a program under Canada’s National Housing Strategy (Note: CMHC’s Mortgage Loan Insurance Program is not a funding program of the National Housing Strategy).
- Meet priority needs identified in the City of Winnipeg Comprehensive Housing Needs Assessment Report
Find the Median Market Rents (MMR) for your project neighbourhood at the CMHC Housing Market Information Portal.
Funding streams
Tax Increment Financing
- Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Grants will be awarded to approved projects that meet the minimum program requirements.
- Total grants available under this funding stream are $20 million for developments in the Downtown and $30 million for developments outside the Downtown.
- Projects may be owned by a non-profit, for-profit corporation, or Indigenous governments.
- TIF grants are 80% of incremental municipal property taxes for up to 25 years if an approved project is:
- located in the Downtown, or
- located in a designated Housing Improvement Zone (PDF, 6.7MB), or
- owned and operated by a non-profit corporation, or
- owned and operated by an Indigenous government, or
- includes the rehabilitation of a vacant building where financial need is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the City.
- TIF grants are 80% of incremental municipal property taxes paid each year for up to 15 years if an approved project is:
- located outside of the Downtown or a designated Housing Improvement Zone (PDF, 6.7MB), or
- owned by a for-profit corporation.
- Incremental Taxes means the municipal real property taxes payable in relation to an approved project the years after its occupancy permit is issued, less the amount of the property’s base taxes.
- Base taxes mean the annual municipal real property taxes payable in the year of a project’s approval.
Note: Projects located within the SHED TIF Zone By-law No. 98/2012 or projects conditionally approved under the Downtown Residential Development Grant Program By-law No.77/2010 are not eligible under the Affordable Housing Now program.
Capital Grants
- Capital Grants may also be awarded to projects that exceed the minimum project requirements.
- Total grants available under this funding stream are $2 million.
- To receive a Capital Grant, the project must be:
- owned by a non-profit organization;
- and more than 50% of the residential units in the project must be deeply affordable, meaning rented at less than 60% of the median market rent as determined by CMHC, or rented at Employment and Income Assistance Rates, or rent-geared -to-income.
- Maximum Capital Grants are $10,000 per affordable unit in the project, or a maximum of $250,000 per project.
- Merit will also be determined based on how the project meets the needs of vulnerable groups including:
- People experiencing homelessness
- Women and children fleeing domestic violence
- Indigenous peoples
- People with disabilities
- People dealing with mental health and addiction issues
- Racialized groups
- Recent immigrants and refugees
- Veterans
- Seniors
- Young adults
Application process
1. Determine if your project is eligible
Before submitting an application, please review eligibility criteria and ensure your project qualifies.
2. Submit the Application Workbook
When you’re ready, you can submit an Application Workbook, along with your project’s architectural plans, and third-party construction budget.
Download the Application Workbook (XLSX, 78KB)
3. Application review
Once received, your application will be reviewed and evaluated by the Affordable Housing Now team. During this process you may be asked for further information to support your application. As well, the City of Winnipeg will consult with CMHC on your application to confirm priority and eligibility under their programs.
4. Conditional Approval Letter
If you project is approved, you will receive a Conditional Approval Letter. This letter will outline the type and amount of each grant(s) to be provided under the Affordable Housing Now program. The letter will set out any conditions of approval, including eventual verification of funding through a program under Canada’s National Housing Strategy.
5. Verification of National Housing Strategy funding approval
Once funding through the National Housing Strategy is received and executed, the grant recipient is required to submit proof to trigger a final Grant Agreement under the Affordable Housing Now program.
6. Grant Agreement
The grant recipient will receive a Grant Agreement to be entered into with the City of Winnipeg setting out all terms and conditions of the Affordable Housing Now grant(s) as required under the City of Winnipeg By-Law No. 14/2022, including continued funding compliance with CMHC.
Main Street Project Inc.
637 Main St.
With 111 units, all of which are rent geared to income, this project aims to address homelessness in the community by transforming Main Street Project's existing emergency shelter into a multi-purpose facility with affordable housing, communal spaces, and on-site support services.
Siloam Mission Inc.
300 Princess St.
The 16-unit facility will be inclusive and low-barrier, welcoming diverse populations including those struggling with addictions and mental health challenges. The project aims to meet a critical need for safe and stable transitional housing for individuals who would be facing homelessness post-hospitalization.
UWCRC 2.0 Inc. & 10162513 Manitoba Ltd.
440 Edmonton St.
This project will convert a vacant 13-storey commercial building into a residential complex with 180 new transitional, social, and affordable housing units.
Adult & Teen Challenge of Central Canada
83 Kate St.
This mixed-use transitional housing project will hold 100 total beds, including 18 aftercare apartment suites (30 beds) and 70 program beds, providing recovery programming, community connection, and gathering opportunities under one roof.
Homes for Heroes Foundation
3 Transcona Blvd.
This project will be a 'tiny home' village with 20 units of transitional housing for Canadian Veterans who are struggling to reintegrate into society following their service to Canada.
Manitoba Inuit Association
Our Safe Space
This project will have 15 transitional housing units for Inuit women and women with children who are escaping gender-based violence. The facility will be the first housing initiative lead and operated by Inuit to serve Inuit within Manitoba.
Market Lands Inc.
Market Lands North Mixed-Use
This new mixed-use development will provide 128 mixed-income housing units, including 48 deeply affordable units, a large commercial space, and a daycare with a dedicated play area.
Market Lands North Tower Project Inc.
Market Lands North Tower
The Market Lands North Tower will provide 128 mixed-income housing units, including affordable options tailored for Indigenous peoples, newcomers, women with children, and young people.
Brokenhead Ojibway Nation Development Corp.
269 River Ave.
The proponent is building a 144-unit apartment with 58 units rented at affordable rates, with priority given to members of Brokenhead Ojibway First Nation and other First Nations community members.
Village Canadien Co-op Ltee
1680 St. Mary's Rd.
This project proposes to add 82 new units to the non-profit housing co-operative that has existed on the site for 48 years. It is planned that 30 percent of the additional units will be affordable.
Purpose Construction
Purpose Homes Scattered Sites
Purpose Construction is a non-profit offering construction skills training to people with barriers to employment. This project will develop seven 3-bedroom duplexes in North Point Douglas, to be operated as affordable transitional housing.
Megill-Stephenson Company Ltd
530 St. Mary Avenue, 252 Good St.
The new 165-unit, privately owned development will provide 50 units of affordable housing, 1,780 square feet of commercial space, and aims to be accessible for every ability.
The Lighthouse Mission
667-669 Main St.
The retrofit of a heritage building downtown will provide 12 units of housing and detox services to people who are struggling with addiction.
Winnipeg Housing Rehabilitation Corporation
145 Transcona Blvd.
This new development will provide 154 units desiigned to house families and people with disabilities currently experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. Forty-six percent of units will be deeply affordable, and an additional 31 units will be rent geared to income designated for vulnerable populations.
Paskwayak Construction LP
366 Marion St.
Project Marion will be a 127-unit apartment building, including 52 affordable units, with priority given to members of Opakswayak Cree Nation and other First Nations community members.
Shoal Lake 40 First Nation
2675 Portage Ave.
This new development will provide 150 units of housing, over 40% of which will be a mix of affordable one, two, and three-bedroom units. This building will be open to the public offering safe, affordable housing for all residents, including Shoal Lake 40 First Nation community members wishing to live, study, and work in Winnipeg.