Golf discounts, promotions, points & rewards

Discounts & promotions

Kids play free at Crescent Drive & Harbour View golf courses

Kids play free after 3 p.m. Friday-Sunday (with one paid adult or senior per junior)

Points and rewards (PAR)

Sign up for the PAR loyalty program at Crescent Drive, Kildonan Park and Windsor Park golf courses.


  • The PAR loyalty program is free to join.
  • Program members receive a card to swipe each time they golf.
  • Points are accumulated for each paid round of golf.
  • Once you reach enough points (10 games), you can redeem those points for a free golf game.


  • 100 points will be awarded for each dollar spent on green fee purchases (tax included).
  • Points can be redeemed for green fee purchases (tax included) and must be for the full value of the green fee.
  • To collect or redeem points, PAR loyalty program participants must present their card when purchasing a green fee or when redeeming points for a golf game.
  • Loyalty points are not transferable and may not be redeemed for cash.

Program Conditions

  • The PAR Loyalty Program does not confer credit of any kind.
  • Tournament green fees are not eligible for participation in the program.
  • PAR loyalty points will not be awarded for games played when using a pre-paid green fee pass.
  • The City of Winnipeg assumes no responsibility for loyalty points redeemed if a card is lost or stolen. If a lost or stolen card is reported to a participating golf course, the City will cancel the card and issue a new one with loyalty points equal to the balance on the card when reported.
  • PAR loyalty cards that have been inactive for 24-months will be deactivated.
  • The City of Winnipeg, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to:
    • change the PAR loyalty program terms and conditions, rewards, and special offers at any time without prior notice
    • discontinue the PAR loyalty program with 90 days-notice.
    • refuse rewards or terminate an individual’s participation in the PAR loyalty program for practicing deception or forgery, for other abuses of the program.
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