Community Crisis Workers

Do you need to talk, need help, or know someone who could use our services? Our Community Crisis Workers are available for one-on-one appointments. Ask them for information about: shelter and housing, social assistance, jobs, mental health programs and services, health care, and income tax.

Please visit the Appointments page for appointment openings and locations.

To schedule an appointment with a specific Community Crisis Worker, follow the links below. 

Connect with a Community Crisis Worker

Community Crisis Worker standing outside

Bruce Fiske

Phone: 204-986-3981

Individual standing in front of a book shelf

Sheila Bughao

Phone: 204-986-3911

Community Crisis worker standing in front of concrete wall

Amy Reinink

Phone: 204-986-0543 

Visiting agencies

Millennium Library regularly hosts community agencies that offer social services information and help to the community. Below are the community agencies that will be coming to the Millennium Library this week. Drop in. All are welcome. 

Please visit our Programs & Events calendar to see the full list of upcoming visits.


24/7 support services

These free and confidential services are available all day, every day.

Please contact 911 for immediate threats to life or property.

Crisis Response Centre

For adults experiencing a mental health crisis and/or an overlapping substance use, addiction or gambling issue.

Phone: 204-940-1781

Address: 817 Bannatyne Avenue

Reason to Live

Confidential crisis line run by trained crisis counsellors from Klinic Community Health.

Toll-free phone: 1-877-435-7170

Address: 167 Sherbrook Street

Hope for Wellness Helpline

Immediate mental health counselling and crisis intervention for Indigenous peoples across Canada through toll-free number and online chat.

Toll-free phone: 1-855-242-3310

Gender-based Violence Program

Toll-free phone: 1-877-977-0007

Text: 204-792-5302 / 204-805-6682

Address: 409-401 York Avenue

The Link - Youth Crisis Line / Youth Mobile Crisis Teams

For youth 21 years of age and younger and their families.

Toll-free phone: 1-888-383-2776

Phone: 204-949-4777

Address: 175 Mayfair Avenue

Kids Help Phone

E-mental health service offering free, confidential support to young people in English and French.

Toll-free phone: 1-800-668-6868

Text: 686868

For more information:

211 Manitoba

Connect with government, health, and social services available across the province. (211 Manitoba is not a crisis line.)

Toll-free phone: 1-855-275-1197


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