OurWinnipeg 2045

Police Media Release Notice

The OurWinnipeg 2045 development plan and Complete Communities Direction Strategy 2.0 secondary plan by-laws took effect on May 26, 2022, replacing the previous version of OurWinnipeg  as the official development plan guiding growth and change for the city. The next review will begin in 2027, per The City of Winnipeg Charter.


 Timeline outlining future OurWinnipeg process next steps

2022 - Plan approval

  • May 26, Council approval of OurWinnipeg 2045 & Complete Communities 2.0

2023-2026 - Plan implementation

  • May 30 2023, Council approval of their Strategic Priorities Action Plan (SPAP)
  • Council will identify level of SPAP funding through the four year balanced multi-year budget process

2023-2026 - Measure progress

  • SPAP annual review and progress update
  • Council may adjust SPAP as needed or actions completed

2026 - Election

  • Initiate SPAP process with new Council 

2027 - 5-year review

  • Initiate review of OurWinnipeg 2045 & Complete Communities 2.0

The development plan must set out the city's long-term vision, plans and policies to achieve its physical land use and development, social, environmental sustainability and economic objectives. It also requires measures to implement the plan and that decisions are consistent with it.

OurWinnipeg 2045 integrates the 2011 companion direction strategies, Sustainable Transportation, Sustainable Water and Waste, and A Sustainable Winnipeg into its policies. Updated details of the companion strategies are found within the Transportation Master Plan , Winnipeg Transit Master Plan, Garbage and Recycling Master Plan , Winnipeg's Climate Action Plan, and the Community Energy Investment Roadmap. Alignment of OurWinnipeg policy with the City budget, and corporate and departmental strategic plans is important to achieve sustainable development goals.

OurWinnipeg 2045 consists of 21 objectives and 137 policy statements consistent with OurWinnipeg (2011) policy direction, but contain new emphasis or refined policy intent in the following areas:

  • Decision-making criteria for proactive solutions
  • Social, environmental and economic impact of municipal investments
  • Collective impact for community benefit
  • Removing systemic barriers
  • Greenhouse gas emissions reductions targets and climate change mitigation and adaptation
  • Social determinants of health and health equity
  • Healthy built environments
  • Poverty reduction, innovation and green solutions as economic drivers

Sustainable development goals

In 2015, the Government of Canada committed to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with 17 sustainable development goals. It is a call for justice and action at every level of government, as well as at the community, business, and resident level -asking everyone to take action. There are six localized goals that form the base of the OurWinnipeg 2045 vision, objectives and policy direction:

OurWinnipeg Leadership and Good Governance

Leadership and good governance

OurWinnipeg Environmental Resilience

Environmental resilience

OurWinnipeg Economic Prosperity

Economic prosperity

OurWinnipeg Good Health and Well-Being

Good health and well-being

OurWinnipeg Social Equity

Social equity

OurWinnipeg City Building

City building

Strategic Priorities Action Plan

The development of Council’s four-year Strategic Priorities Action Plan (SPAP) approved May 30, 2023, is a first step in achieving OurWinnipeg 2045 goals. On September 22, 2022 Council adopted the Strategic Priorities Action Plan process to establish a new, recurring strategic planning process for incoming Council members. A formalized strategic planning process will result in better alignment between the civic election cycle, the multi-year balanced budget process, and the corporate strategic plan. Council identified five themes and 42 priority actions in the SPAP:

OurWinnipeg - The Downtown

The downtown

OurWinnipeg - A Strong Economy

A strong economy

OurWinnipeg - A Livable, Safe, Healthy, Happy City

A livable, safe, healthy, happy city

OurWinnipeg - A Green and Growing City with Sustainable Renewal of Infrastructure

A green and growing city with sustainable renewal of infrastructure

OurWinnipeg - A City that Works for Residents through Improved Customer Service

A city that works for residents through improved customer service

Paper copies

Paper copies of the plans can be found at Millennium Library, but can also be sent to other branches.

You can purchase paper copies (at cost) from:

Zoning & Permits Branch
Unit 31 - 30 Fort St. (Fort Garry Place)
Winnipeg, MB

Phone: 204-986-5140

311 counter
Accès–Access Saint-Boniface
170 Goulet St.
Winnipeg, MB

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