Property for sale

The City of Winnipeg lists surplus property for sale on a regular basis. Visit this page for current listings of residential, industrial and commercial properties. Property must be declared surplus by the City before it can be listed for sale. 

Properties that can be used for affordable housing will first be offered to non-profit groups. These groups may also be able to buy City property at a lower price for their housing projects.

See listings below marked with Affordable housing opportunity 

St. Boniface Industrial Park

The St. Boniface Industrial Park is in the southeast part of Winnipeg, approximately one kilometre southeast of the intersection of Lagimodiere Boulevard and Dugald Road.

The Industrial Park is designed to meet the needs of industrial businesses, including oversized roads to accommodate commercial traffic, and providing accessible and economical shipping of products and materials. It is well-maintained and provides a park-like environment with lakes and landscaping.

The Industrial Park is a unique location, with access to several major roadways. The City is seeking businesses that:

  • Will contribute meaningful direct and indirect job growth in Winnipeg
  • Propose an intensive land use

The Industrial Park has been developed in two phases:

Phase 2


St. Boniface Industrial Park Phase 2 Map (PDF, 617KB)
View the location of St. Boniface Industrial Park


Fully serviced lots


The Manufacturing Heavy (M3) district  provides for light or heavy industrial development, including: heavy manufacturing, storage, major freight terminals, waste and salvage, resource extraction, processing, transportation, major utilities, and other related uses that require very large buildings, frequent heavy truck traffic for supplies or shipments, or that may require substantial space to avoid sound, noise, and odour impacts to neighbouring properties.  M3 zoning districts should not be established within 300 feet of an existing residential district.


Trucking: Near the Trans-Canada Highway, Lagimodiere Boulevard (Highway #59), & Perimeter Highway
Rail: None 
Transit: None

Lot sizes

Lot sizing can be accommodated to fit the needs of the business


$375,000/per acre
Prices are reviewed periodically and subject to change

Phase 1 Sold out


St. Boniface Industrial Park Phase 1 Map (PDF, 336KB)


Real Estate Branch
2nd Floor - 65 Garry St.
Winnipeg, MB R3C 4K4

Please contact 311 for inquiries, or the staff member identified in the property listing. Meetings with staff are by appointment only.

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