Sponsor benefits

Each sponsorship is unique. We will customize a sponsorship based on the goals of the sponsoring organization. Benefits of the Sponsor Winnipeg program include:

Brand elevation

Position your brand at the forefront of community engagement. We will work together and provide you with a platform to showcase your commitment to the city and its residents. This will lead to an increase in your brand's reputation and loyalty.

Access Credit Union Canteen at the Transcona East End Community Centre
Seniors with a female trainer doing yoga in a fitness studio

Reach a focused audience

Our program provides valuable exposure to diverse audiences across Winnipeg. Choose from programs, facilities, and services that align with your goals. Connect with the community you care about.

Create a lasting impact

Through sponsorship you're not just investing in the present, but also in the future of Winnipeg. Your participation will resonate with the community for years to come. Be a leader for change and help shape a brighter tomorrow.  

Contact us today to learn how we can build a stronger, more connected community together.

Group of children sitting together smiling, with arms around each other


Do you have any questions or concerns regarding the Sponsor Winnipeg program?  Contact us and we will be happy to connect with you.

Phone: 431-275-5163

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