I Love to Read Month returns with free programming all February

Celebrate with special activities in the evenings and every Saturday in February

Child reading at a library

I Love to Read Month is back at Winnipeg Public Library this February.

Head down to your favourite library branch for free fun all month long. There will be family programs, author visits, and family game nights. These special events take place in the evenings and on Saturdays.

“I Love to Read Month is a perfect time to visit a Winnipeg Public Library branch. We have fun activities planned all month to celebrate,” said Amber Lamboo, Administrative Coordinator of Youth Services.

Activities vary by branch, from an author visit with Michael Redhead Champagne, to a hoop dance performance by Brian Clyne. Prefer to snuggle up with your family at home? Consider joining a musical Anishinaabemowin program over Zoom.

Branches are also hosting THIN AIR KIDS 2025, a celebration of Canadian kids’ books. Libraries across the city will have author visits for children and their families. Featured authors include Hetxw’ms Gyetxw (Brett Huson), Maureen Fergus, Linda Trinh, and Martha Troian.

“We have registered and drop-in programming throughout the month. There is something for everyone and families should check the schedule online.”

Children can also get their very own kid’s library card and discover new books.  

In addition to the special programming, there is also a new session of Winter Early Literacy Programming and other story times.

A full list of programming is available online and in the current issue of What’s On.

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