Hello, Bonjour! 311 Saint-Boniface is your resource to get information about our services in French and English

A woman receives help from a 311 customer service representative.
The customer service representatives at the 311 Saint-Boniface Counter, located at 170 Goulet St., offer in-person help in both French and English.

Need help registering for swimming lessons or renewing your pet license? We have you covered.

311 is your resource for information on City services. If you prefer in-person interactions, our 311 Saint-Boniface location is a great option. It is located at 170 Goulet St. and offers a range of services in both French and English.

“If you have questions about City services and programs, our bilingual customer service representatives are here to help and ready to serve,” said Nicole Young, Manager of French Language Services at the City of Winnipeg.

Residents often access more than one service while visiting the 311 Saint-Boniface location each year.         

They can help you with:

They can also help you with Winnipeg Transit services, such as:

Pamphlets are seen on a shelf
Employees at 311 Saint-Boniface can provide information and pamphlets about City services and activities.

311 Saint-Boniface is located in the Accès–Access Saint-Boniface building. Parking is free at the back of the building and easy, accessible bus stops are in the front of the building.

311 also has a Customer Service Centre in the Susan A. Thompson Building at 510 Main St. that provides similar services.

At 311 Saint-Boniface, you can also access certain provincial and federal programs and services.

“This really is a valuable resource for newcomers who prefer in-person services,” Young added.

While you’re paying your water bill, you can also find out about your property taxes or speak to a provincial Employment and Income Assistance employee. Or you can learn how to go online and access services or apply for jobs – all on the main floor of the building.

Whether you’re looking for service in French or in English, we invite you to visit the 311 Saint-Boniface location.


Originally posted on December 6, 2023

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