City of Winnipeg services

The City of Winnipeg provides a variety of services, including in the areas of public safety, transportation, environment, planning and development, and leisure and wellness.

Contact the City for information and services

311 is a helpful resource to get information about City services and programs, or to request service.

You can contact 311 to connect with one of our customer service representatives, 24 hours a day, every day of the year, who are happy to answer any questions you may have about City services. If English is not your first language, you can request an interpreter.

Learn more about 311, including 5 things you need to know when contacting 311, and the best time to call 311.

Online services

You can access a variety of City services online. Using our self-serve forms, you can make a report, request service, or pay for City services.

In-person services

We also have several City facilities where you can access select in-person services. Our Saint-Boniface 311 counter, located in Accès–Access Saint-Boniface, is a hub to access government programs and services from the City, the Province of Manitoba, and Government of Canada.

Address information

You can find information about a specific address, such as:

  • Nearest City-owned and operated community amenity, including parks, pools, libraries, and leisure centres
  • Recycling, garbage, and yard waste collection schedules
  • Parking information
  • Insect control information and schedules
  • Spring cleanup schedules
  • Snow clearing priority information and schedules

Transit service

Winnipeg Transit provides reliable, affordable, comfortable, and accessible public transportation services for residents.


Eligible individuals and families living on low income can purchase reduced fare transit passes at 50% off through the WINNPass program to help save on transit costs.

Travel Training

Winnipeg Transit provides a Travel Training program which provides information and practical training on how to use Winnipeg Transit.


Recreation Services provides recreation and leisure programs and facilities that help build healthy communities. 

Recreation Fee Assistance Program

If you are living on low income, you can get a free recreation facility pass and a credit to register for programs, such as yoga, swimming, and skating classes.


Libraries are a valuable community resource where you can borrow books, movies and music for free, attend free programming, use a computer, and learn about your community. There are 20 library locations across the city.

English as an Additional Language Info Guide 

The English as an Additional Language Info Guide lists ways that libraries can support newcomers and newcomer families. 

Language Learning Info Guide

The Millennium Library has a very large collection of books in foreign languages, as well as online resources for learning other languages. Learn more in the Language Learning Info Guide.

Supporting Winnipeggers

The City has numerous programs and services that help improve the lives of all residents, including a number of programs specifically for those living on low income.

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Information collected will be used to improve our website. Do not use this form to submit a request for service or information because it will not be forwarded to departments for response. To submit a request for service or information, contact 311.

This form is not intended to collect personal information; however, any personal information you choose to include in your comments is collected by the City of Winnipeg under the authority of section 36(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of improving our website and will not be used or disclosed for any other purposes, except as authorized by law. Contact the Corporate Access and Privacy Officer by mail (City Clerk’s Department, Susan A. Thompson Building, 510 Main Street, Winnipeg MB, R3B 1B9) or by telephone (311) if you have any questions about the collection of this information.