Smoke alarms: Make them work for you!

Learn more about fire safety during Fire Prevention Week, October 6-12, 2024

Every home in Winnipeg should have working smoke alarms. It is important to have smoke alarms outside all sleeping areas and on every level, including the basement.

Winnipeg resident Elaine had smoke alarms installed in parts of her home, but not in the living room. When she needed them the most, she learned they weren’t working.

“I forgot to replace the batteries, and when a fire started in my home, the alarms didn’t go off,” said Elaine.

She was burning candles, and when she wasn’t looking, the flames spread to a wreath. She was able to put the fire out quickly but was surprised she didn’t see or smell the fire before it grew to a significant size.

“I’m lucky that it wasn’t worse. It’s an important reminder to never leave open flames unattended, and to make sure your smoke alarms are working,” Elaine added.

Ensure your alarms work

To make sure your smoke alarms are working:

  • Test them every month by pressing the “test” button
  • If the alarm uses disposable batteries, change them at least once a year
  • If the unit is 10 years or older, replace it

“Having a working smoke alarm can buy you valuable time in a fire emergency,” said Doug Sinclair, Public Education Coordinator with the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service (WFPS).

“If you are hearing or visually impaired, you should also consider installing smoke alarms that have lights on them, and bed shakers, to alert you if there’s a fire in the home.”

Homeowners without working smoke alarms may be eligible to have one installed for free through the SAFE Family program.

Learn about fire safety

Fire Prevention Week is a great time for you and your family to learn how to stay safe. WFPS representatives will be in the community all week to help you and your loved ones learn more about fire prevention.

Fire paramedic station open houses

Introducing children to responders can be a good way to build relationships and ensure kids feel comfortable with responders should an emergency occur.

Visit your local WFPS station on Saturday, October 12, 2024, to meet emergency responders and learn about fire safety. Open houses will take place from noon to 4 p.m. at all WFPS stations.

You can also book a presentation by emailing the WFPS's public education branch.

Talk to a WFPS member at Canadian Tire

WFPS representatives will have booths set up inside three Canadian Tire stores to demonstrate the importance of smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.

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