Winnipeg 150 time capsule to be sealed for 50 years

Items reflect what Winnipeg was like in 2024

Winnipeg 150 time capsule
Winnipeg 150 time capsule

Time capsules are a long-standing tradition to celebrate milestone years. They are an opportunity for us to communicate with people in the future. They also tell us a story about the past.

Throughout our year of celebrating Winnipeg’s 150th anniversary, we collected many items to preserve for the future. These items have been placed into the Winnipeg 150 time capsule.

The time capsule includes letters from dignitaries and items documenting Winnipeg 150 activities. There are also items that give a glimpse into Winnipeg at this moment in time.

The exact list of items will be held as a surprise for future Winnipeggers.

“We know many will be curious about what we put into the time capsule,” Said Konrad Krahn, City Archivist.

“We don’t want to reveal too much and ruin the surprise for our 200-year celebrations.”

The Winnipeg 150 time capsule was made with the help of staff from our Fleet Management Agency. In 50 years, it will be opened for another generation to reflect on what Winnipeg was like in 2024.

In the meantime, the City of Winnipeg Archives will keep the time capsule safe.

The closing of the time capsule marks the end of Winnipeg 150 celebrations.

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