Plenty of places to test out Summer Olympics sports in Winnipeg

Steps at skatepark in Chornick Park

With the Summer Olympics now underway, some of the world’s best athletes are competing in 32 different sports. If you, or your family, are inspired to test out your skills in the featured sports, we have plenty of amenities and options available.


skatepark in Chornick park
The skatepark in Chornick Park.

We have 16 skateparks around the city for skaters of all ages to enjoy. While they were designed for beginner through to intermediate skill levels, the sites can still be fun for the more experienced.

Some of the features in the skateparks can be used for BMX biking, which is also a part of the Olympics.

Court and field sports

If court sports are more for you, several of our parks have beach volleyball courts, including St. Vital Park, Maple Leaf Park, Harbourview, and in Bridgewater Trails. Harbourview also has a handball court. You can find basketball courts at more than 60 parks and community centres and we have dozens of tennis courts.

Try your best to hit a home run at one of our roughly 130 baseball diamonds. There are also more than 175 soccer pitches around the city.

To find a location for any of these and many other amenities, you can search our interactive Parks map and filter results by amenity.


Our three municipal golf courses are great options for golfers of any skill level, including beginners.


Our Pan Am Pool meets international standards and has hosted local, provincial, national, and international competitions. Olympians have trained there, and you can swim there too. Public swim times are available through the week.

The interior of the Pam Am Pool swimming pool.
Pan Am Pool.

Outdoor pools are also open. Make sure to check the online schedules before visiting any of our pools.


Our Priceless Fun brochure has a variety of programming options for kids and youth involving sports throughout the summer — all at no cost. While our summer Leisure Guide programming is underway now, make sure to check the Fall/Winter Leisure Guide for a variety of programming you can register for. It will be released later this summer and martial arts, gymnastics, and swimming are just a few of the Summer Olympics sports options that will be available.

If any other sports have piqued your interest, you can also check Sport Manitoba to see what activities there are for you to participate in.

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