Looking for a way to keep your kids entertained this summer? Your next stop might be a visit to Cartown.
Hosted at Sam Southern Arena, Cartown is a miniature version of Winnipeg designed to teach children ages 4 – 7 road safety by driving in a fun and interactive setting. Each child is provided a motorized toy vehicle (siblings under 4 can ride as a passenger for free) to navigate the bustling streets, taking them everywhere from the library, to the bank, or to fill up at the gas station.
“We have a lot of fun putting as much detail into Cartown as possible,” said Jennifer Sarna, the City’s Manager of Recreation Services.
Each session includes games and instruction on pedestrian and road safety. Children also receive a “driver’s licence” at the end of the program.
“Cartown focuses on safety to help make children understand the importance of using caution when near roads,” said Sarna.
Cartown is one of many great summer programs available through the Leisure Guide. You can check out availability and book your hour-long Cartown activity session through leisureONLINE. You can also view the Priceless Fun brochure for information on free programs and drop-in times at our facilities.
Originally posted July 8, 2022