Recycle your real Christmas tree and give a gift to the Earth

Bring it to a Let’s Chip in Depot starting December 27

A pile of old Christmas trees.

For 33 years, Winnipeggers have been giving a gift to the earth by using our Let's Chip In Depots.

Let’s Chip In Depots turn your real Christmas trees into wood mulch, which is available for you to use at home. Since the program began, we have recycled over 425,000 trees.

Depot hours & locations

The Let’s Chip In Depots will be open from December 27 until January 31. There are 10 locations around Winnipeg, including all three 4R Winnipeg Depots. Hours of the sites vary, but some are open 24 hours a day.

Preparing your tree for the depot

To ensure we can turn your tree into wood mulch, make sure you remove all decorations and tinsel and leave your tree stand at home. When you leave your tree at the depot, make sure you take any bags you used for transporting the tree.

“Be sure to leave only your tree at the Depot,” said Mark Kinsley, Superintendent of Waste Diversion. 

“Leaving extra items on your tree, like decorations, tinsel, or tree stands means we can’t recycle your tree as those items will ruin the wood mulch.”

Picking up wood chip mulch

Wood chip mulch will be available for you to pick up from the temporary depots in early January. The mulch is free, while quantities last, but you have to bring your own container. Mulch is not available at the 4R Winnipeg Depots.


Originally published on December 27, 2023

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