
Police Media Release Notice

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Displaying 41 - 50 of 481 results
- We’re working on trialing a new solution to those pesky potholes.
- The City of Winnipeg Emergency Services work closely with the Downtown Community Safety Partnership to help ensure timely and appropriate resources are sent to help the downtown community.
- The warmer weather means it is spring cleaning season. If going through the garage, basement, or closets is on your to do list, we have a few options to help you get rid of the things you don’t want anymore.
- On April 8, 2024, the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service will pilot the use of emergency vehicle pre-emption (EVP). The pilot project will last up to 12 months and will provide the WFPS and the City’s Signals branch the opportunity to evaluate the system and its benefits.
- WFPS Communications Operators talk about what residents should know about who is on the other line when calling 9-1-1.
- Lord Roberts Community Traffic Study took a unique approach of fully integrating community feedback into municipal decision-making.
- The City of Winnipeg's annual spring cleanup operation typically takes between five and six weeks.
- Monthly episodes of Our City, Our Podcast give Winnipeggers a look inside Animal Services, Transit, 311, and more.
- As of April 1, 2024, operating a short-term rental, or a platform that lists them, will require a City of Winnipeg licence.
- An explanation of the new policy for towing and impounding vehicles belonging to owners with three or more outstanding parking tickets.
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