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When summer weather arrives, many Winnipeggers take advantage of the heat by taking a dip in a pool, while others seek out activities on Winnipeg’s many waterways, such as boating, kayaking, or canoeing.

However you beat the heat, it's important to do so safely and responsibly.  Each year, the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service (WFPS) responds to approximately 150 water rescue calls. Not surprisingly, the summer months are the busiest for these types of calls. Newcomers to Canada are particularly at risk, as they may be unfamiliar with the hazards water can present and the steps needed to stay safe.   

We want everyone spending time outdoors and being active, but we want them to do so safely. By following simple safety strategies we can prevent tragedy.

Wear a life jacket

The top way to do so is to always wear a life jacket when on a boat or participating in other activities on the river. If you don't own a life jacket, they're available to rent through the Recreation Equipment Rentals Program.


Children should also always be supervised when in, or around, water – even if they know how to swim.

The Lifesaving Society’s Annual Drowning Report shows lack of adult supervision is a major contributing factor to child drowning deaths in Manitoba. In 100 percent of such cases, an adult supervisor was found to be either absent (not present at all) or distracted (present but not watching the child).

Adults and caregivers should always be within arm’s reach of young children when near or in the water. Unattended children under the age of five have a higher risk of drowning because they are quick, curious and are the least capable of self-rescue of any age group.

Le - We’ve made videos to help Newcomers understand the basics of water safety. The videos are available in Arabic, English, French, Punjabi, and Tagalog.
Le - Winnipeg has over 1000 parks and a multitude of amenities.
Le - How to keep cool if you do not have air conditioning in your home.
Le - Winnipeg Transit Plus has launched its brand new trip-booking app. The Winnipeg Transit+ On-Request app will allow customers to book trips right on their smartphone. The app is part of Winnipeg Transit Plus’ new, improved trip-booking system, which includes an upgraded automated phone service, expanded trip notifications, and additional fare payment options.
Le - In May, we were recognized for being a leader in social procurement with the Buy Social Canada Social Procurement Champion Award.
Le - Do your part by reducing, re-using, and recycling single use plastics
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