City of Winnipeg announces Winnipeg 150 Medal Recipients

Released: October 10, 2024 at 9:07 a.m.

Winnipeg, MB Today the City of Winnipeg announced the recipients of the Winnipeg 150 Medals, which recognize residents for their contributions to their community and our City.

A total of 150 medals will be handed out in ceremonies across the City over the next three weeks, with eight being distributed in each of the City’s 15 Wards, and another 30 being distributed by Mayor Scott Gillingham. In addition to receiving a specially designed Winnipeg 150 medal, recipients will also have a tree planted in their name in a City park.

“As we celebrate Winnipeg's 150th anniversary, it’s important to honour the residents who have made exceptional contributions to our community,” said Mayor Scott Gillingham. “These recipients represent what makes Winnipeg special - people who give their time and energy to build a better future for all of us. I’m proud to recognize their efforts, and look forward to personally presenting some of these medals as we continue to mark this milestone year together.”

Nearly 600 nominations were received, with a selection committee reviewing each nomination to select the medal recipients. A complete list of recipients is available online.

To learn more about how we’re marking 150 years as a city, visit

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