Downtown Arts Capital Fund now open to major Downtown arts organizations

Released: July 25, 2024 at 11:40 p.m.

Applications to capital grant fund accepted until September 30

Winnipeg, MB The City is now accepting applications to the Downtown Arts Capital Fund from major Downtown arts organizations to support capital projects over the next four years.

City Council approved the $500,000 annual grant program as part of the 2024-2027 Multi-Year Balanced Budget. Funding is available to arts organizations that have had an established presence in Downtown Winnipeg for more than 40 years.

“There are a number of longstanding and world-class arts organizations in our Downtown that make invaluable contributions to the spirit and vibrancy of Winnipeg,” said Mayor Gillingham. “We expect that this program can help these organizations undertake major capital projects, and possibly gain access to other funding sources, that will allow them to strengthen their place in our community.”

Information on grant eligibility and application requirements is available at: Downtown Arts Capital Fund | City of Winnipeg.

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