Winnipeggers invited to provide feedback in final phase of the Eastern Corridor Study

Released: June 10, 2022 at 9:50 a.m.

Winnipeg, MB – The City of Winnipeg is inviting residents to learn more and provide feedback about the approved Eastern Rapid Transit Corridor route through Point Douglas and Elmwood neighbourhoods and share their thoughts on the conceptual design, including the Louise Bridge replacement.

In April 2021, Council approved the Winnipeg Transit Master Plan (WTMP), and along with it the Eastern Rapid Transit Corridor route, which includes the location of the corridor’s river crossing as part of a replacement for the Louise Bridge.

The WTMP outlined the staging for the construction of the Rapid Transit corridors, from Downtown moving outward. The focus of this phase of engagement is the segment of the Eastern Rapid Transit Corridor running through Point Douglas and Elmwood.

To see details of the draft concept, residents can view an online presentation or attend an outdoor open-house – refreshments and snacks will be provided at the family-friendly event:

Date: Monday, June 27, 2022*
Time: 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Location: Outdoors at Sutherland Avenue & Gomez Street
Format: Drop-in (come and go)

*In case of heavy rain, the event will be held Tuesday, June, 28, 2022

The final version of the plan will be used to guide the next steps in creating more detailed designs for the Louise Bridge and surrounding area. There is no timeline for construction of the Eastern Rapid Transit Corridor or Louise Bridge replacement, both of which are subject to Council approval and funding.

For more information about the study and how to get involved, visit

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