Plaisirs d’hiver gratuits au Musée-nature de la prairie

Get outdoors, cozy up to a fire, and learn about nature

Living Prairie Museum on a winter day
Living Prairie Museum

Snowshoe Sundays return

Drop in every Sunday in January and February between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. to learn to snowshoe and explore the prairie.

Snowshoes will be available to rent for free for an hour on a first-come, first-served basis. No experience is necessary--just remember to bring your winter boots.

Before heading out, be sure to check the website to confirm snow conditions are suitable.

Winter Speaker Series

Interested in mushrooms, urban coyotes, or nature restoration? The always-popular Winter Speaker Series is back for 2025. Sessions are free and will be a mix of in-person and online, offering lots of opportunities to attend.

“The Winter Speaker Series sessions are a fun and fascinating way to stay engaged and beat the winter blues while learning about nature,” said Olynyk.

The sessions are offered by the Friends of the Living Prairie Museum and run from mid-February to mid-March. Registration will open two weeks before each event. More details, including the schedule and registration information will be posted on the Friends of the Living Prairie Museum website in the coming weeks.

More ways to enjoy the prairie in the winter

The outdoor self-guided trails and cross-country ski paths are open and free to explore daily.

Please stay on the trails. If you bring a dog, remember that the preserve is on-leash only, and to pick up after your pooch. (Manuel sur les sentiers autoguidés)

You can also print the Living Prairie Museum colouring book for the kids in your life, for an interactive way to teach them about creatures living on the prairies.

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