Une nouvelle façon d’éviter que vos déchets alimentaires n’aboutissent dans la décharge

Fifteen food waste drop-off stations now open across Winnipeg

Food waste drop-off station in Osborne Village
The new food waste drop-off station located in Osborne Village

Keeping your food waste out of the landfill just got easier. You can now drop your food waste off at fifteen locations across the city. All the food waste you drop off will be transformed into compost.

Almost 25% of our household garbage is food waste. When it ends up in the landfill, it produces harmful greenhouse gases.

Developed in partnership with Compost Winnipeg, these new stations are a free and convenient way for you to help reduce the impacts of climate change.

You can drop off all your food scraps, bones, solid fats, pet food, and pizza boxes. Items like plastic bags, recycling, and compostable food containers and cups are not accepted.

To help keep things clean, collect your food scraps in a container lined with newspaper, a paper bag, or a BPI-certified compostable bag.

Dropping off food waste at a drop-off station
You can drop off your food waste at any location, including the 4R Winnipeg Depots.

If you aren’t going to a station right away, you can store your food waste in your fridge or freezer until you are ready. Once at a station, simply toss your bag or empty your container into the designated carts.

“Keeping food waste out of the landfill will be a big step in helping the city reduce our climate impact,” said Richard Bolton, Solid Waste Services Planner.

Compost Winnipeg will be managing the sites and transporting the food waste to the compost facility. They will also work with a team of caretakers to keep the sites clean and accessible.

“We are excited to partner with the City to get this program up and running,” said Amanda Wolfe, General Manager of Compost Winnipeg. “If the launch goes well, we are hoping to open more drop-off stations in the future.”

A full list of accepted items is available on the food waste drop-off station webpage.

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