Créer une ville dynamique et accessible pour tout le monde

Corydon Ave patio and sidewalk

City planning creates places for us to live, work, learn, and play. As our population grows, we need to have enough housing for everyone.

Every neighbourhood should have a range of housing available. And every person and every family should be able to find a place to live that meets their needs.

That’s why we’re focused on creating lively neighbourhoods that are accessible, affordable, and walkable for everyone.

“When we work together to develop a housing vision at the neighbourhood-level, it is easier for people to access jobs, housing, and amenities,” said Hazel Borys, Director of Planning, Property & Development.

“This also promotes environmental sustainability and social connection. It makes Winnipeg a more inclusive and resilient city.”

To make this vision a reality, we have some upgrades underway.

Creating more housing

We are receiving funds through the Housing Accelerator Fund. This national housing program will help us increase the rate of development. This means 14,101 more housing units by the end of 2026. At least 931 of these will be affordable housing units.

One way we will achieve this is by providing grants to developers to create more housing. The first round of funding focuses on affordable housing downtown.

Making development easier

To create these housing units, we know we have to make things easier. This is why we are updating our zoning bylaws.

“We are really embracing the principle of ‘the biggest little thing,’” said Borys.

“Small, but important steps will help our city grow in a way that meets current and future needs.”

In March 2024, we introduced 22 development permit exceptions. These changes mean fewer permit fees, faster project turnarounds, and less red tape. Now there are 25 types of development that do not need development permits.

Making housing more affordable

In July 2024, we made zoning changes that will make it easier to add more units. These changes include allowing:

  • Additional dwellings in single-family parts of mature communities. This will increase affordability by providing a variety of housing types.
  • Detached secondary suites in established neighbourhoods. This will add affordable housing and provide an income source for homeowners.
  • Reduced parking requirements. This will make it cheaper to build affordable housing. It also provides more space for housing units.

More changes coming soon

We are proposing changes that will allow multi-family housing at malls and along some commercial corridors. We held public open houses in October to discuss the proposed changes. We will present these proposed changes to Council on November 19, 2024.

In March 2025, we plan to make changes that will increase infill homes and density near frequent transit routes.

Together, these changes will support more housing options for Winnipeggers and create communities that meet their needs.

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