Snow clearing update

Released: December 24, 2015 at 10:32 a.m.

Police Media Release Notice

Winnipeg, MB - Crews are continuing the cleanup from the recent snowfall. Plowing on main routes, bus routes and collector streets is complete. Sanding and salting are continuing as required. Back lane and sidewalk plowing are ongoing and crews are spot plowing residential streets to address drifting.

The following plowing and ice control activities are underway:

Priority 1 streets (regional) - Plowing on main routes is complete. Salting and sanding operations are continuing as required.

Priority 2 street (collector/bus routes) - Plowing on bus routes and collector streets is complete. Salting and sanding operations are continuing as required.

Priority 3 streets (residential) - Crews are sanding and addressing drifting on residential streets where required. The City is continuing to monitor the condition of residential streets.

Priority 1, 2 and 3 sidewalks - Plowing of sidewalks on main routes is underway and will be followed by plowing of sidewalks on bus routes and collector streets, and then sidewalks on residential streets.

Back lanes - Lane clearing began yesterday and will continue day-time only until completed.

The estimated cost of current operations is approximately $1 million.

Parking Ban
Only the regular Snow Route Parking Ban is in effect at this time, meaning parking is prohibited between 2:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. on streets displaying “Snow Route” signs.

Stay Back, Stay Safe
Over 150 pieces of heavy equipment will be used for this snow clearing operation so motorists are urged to drive to road conditions, and to use extreme caution when driving near any snow clearing equipment or sanding trucks.

Parking ban notification
The City offers free email and Twitter notifications which advise subscribers when a parking ban goes into effect. To sign up for notifications, or for more information about all winter parking bans visit or contact 311, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by phone or by email at

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