Sinking Fund Trustees for The City of Winnipeg

Police Media Release Notice

Public service appointment


The Sinking Fund Trustees manage a Sinking Fund for City debentures issued prior to December 31, 2002. The City of Winnipeg’s Financial Services Division manages the City’s sinking fund investments for sinking fund debentures issued subsequent to December 31, 2002. 


  • Laurie Fisher
  • Rob Provencher
  • Tanis Yanchishyn
  • Tracy Graham, Chief Financial Officer


The Sinking Fund Trustees were created as a body corporate under section 314(2) of the former City of Winnipeg Act (repealed) to administer and perform the duties required to manage a Sinking Fund. The City of Winnipeg Charter, section 520, requires the existing Sinking Fund Trustees to continue to manage the sinking fund contributions on sinking fund debentures that were outstanding at the time the new Charter came into force.


The Board of Trustees is comprised of four Trustees. Three are appointed by Council and the fourth Trustee is the Chief Financial Officer.


Trustee compensation for each meeting is $500 for the Chairperson and $400 for Trustees not employed by the City.


Catherine Kloepfer, Chief Financial Officer
Chief Financial Office
Susan A. Thompson Building, 510 Main St.
Winnipeg, MB R3B 1B9



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