Identification requirements
The City of Winnipeg requires every voter to provide proof of their name and current address by showing identification.
Option 1
Show one original piece of identification with your photo, name and address. It must be issued by a government agency.
- A valid driver’s license
- Enhanced identification card
- any other card issued by a government agency with your photo, name and current address
Option 2
Show two original pieces of authorized identification that together provide evidence of your name and current address. Both must have your name and at least one must have your current address.
A combination of the below examples would be sufficient.
- Manitoba Health Services card
- Manitoba Blue Cross card
- a blank personalized cheque
- a credit card statement
- an Old Age Pension/Security card
- an income tax assessment statement
- a utility bill
- Passport
- Birth certificate
- Indian status card
- band membership card
- Métis card
- Voter's notice
- card issued by an Inuit local authority