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Displaying 121 - 130 of 468 results
- Basement and overland flooding are risks everywhere in Winnipeg
- How the City of Winnipeg prepares for spring flooding
- Local students will have chance to use the popular video game Minecraft to re-imagine our Downtown through Level Up: Winnipeg
- Crews are busy filling potholes and clearing catch basins
- As the weather warms up and the snow melts, the risk of basement and overland flooding increases in Winnipeg. There are a few things residents can do to reduce the chance water finds its way into their home or buildings.
- Since taking over licencing and regulating Winnipeg’s vehicle for hire industry in 2018, we’ve increased enforcement activities so that passengers and drivers can have a safe and comfortable experience. We encourage passengers who have a negative experience or have concerns to report it to 311.
- Youth from the urban Indigenous and Newcomer communities took part in Building Bridges in October 2022. The event aimed to help construct a bridge between the two communities toward reconciliation.
- Remember to check for household water leaks regularly
- An overview of what the City of Winnipeg is doing during Anti-Racism Week, March 20 – 24.
- Ahead of Transit Operator and Employee Appreciation Day, a Winnipeg bus operator is being appreciated on social media for his positive energy behind the wheel.
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