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Displaying 101 - 110 of 464 results
- The TD Summer Reading Club and Teen Summer Challenge will run June 12 - September 1. Children up to 12 years old can receive their free bilingual reading kit and teens their summer challenge card at any Winnipeg Public Library branch.
- The City of Winnipeg’s ash tree injection program aims to slow the spread of emerald ash borer.
- Program one of many great summer options for kids in the Leisure Guide
- New interactive maps show the maintenance statuses of the gravel road in the City of Winnipeg.
- How to keep cool if you do not have air conditioning in your home.
- The City of Winnipeg's grass mowing program typically starts in mid-May and continues until mid-October.
- The City of Winnipeg is offering free access to City-run aquatic and recreation facilities to mark National Health and Fitness Day on the first Saturday in June.
- The biological control program is aimed at treating parts of the city with a high density of Elm trees for about a month to reduce defoliation, and support tree health
- Fill up your water bottle to prevent heat illness this summer
- The Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service hosts the Celebration of Life Awards Ceremony as part of Paramedic Services Week. The awards pay tribute to residents and first responders whose actions saved the life of a fellow community member.
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