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Displaying 51 - 60 of 462 results
- First responders are urging people to stay off the ice.
- The Government of Canada recently designated Brookside Cemetery as a National Historic Site.
- We’re marking 150 years as a city – let’s take a look at Winnipeg’s growth since then.
- November 8 marks Indigenous Veterans Day, a day to honour the thousands of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people who served our country. Former Winnipeg Mayor Susan A. Thompson was among the first leaders to formally recognize the contributions of Indigenous veterans 30 years ago.
- The City is seeking applications for the Welcoming Winnipeg Committee of Community Members (CCM).
- Halloween safety tips from the City of Winnipeg.
- Before the snow starts falling, follow these tips to keep your home warm and dry, and reduce the risk of fire.
- Our Vehicles for Hire division has been named the 2023 Global Regulator of the Year by the International Association of Transportation Regulators.
- We are focused on creating an inclusive and welcoming work environment at the City of Winnipeg. This is why we have been proud to offer the internal Pronouns and Gender Inclusive Language: The Importance of Getting it Right course to employees since the fall of 2021.
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