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Displaying 21 - 30 of 464 results
- Remember to replace batteries and test CO and smoke alarms when you change your clocks for daylight saving time. Businesses and organizations should also check their AEDs as specified in the manufacturer’s instructions.
- We’re working to improve safety and accessibility on residential sidewalks by plowing snow more frequently
- Learn more about and explore Winnipeg’s unique history at the Millennium Library. The exhibit showcases images from the City of Winnipeg’s archival collection, Winnipeg Public Library, Manitoba Museum, Archives of Manitoba / Hudson’s Bay Archives, and other sources.
- Tips for what residents should do when using and getting rid of batteries.
- Winnipeg Transit is gearing up to transform its route network in 2025. Residents are invited to get to know the proposed plan before it is finalized.
- Seasonal recruitment is now underway at the City of Winnipeg.
- If you're searching for mental health supports, home-care services, or newcomer resources, knowing where to go can be overwhelming and stressful. A call to 211 Manitoba can connect you to government, health, and social service resources available across the province to help.
- A simple request for a cupboard 150 years ago helped start the City of Winnipeg Archives. Since then, the municipal collection has grown to one of the most complete in Canada.
- We know current weather conditions are making getting around difficult for some Winnipeggers. We are doing what we can to make things easier; however, it is difficult to keep all surfaces passable at all times while snow just keeps melting and freezing.
- Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service's STEMI heart attack protocol helps patients get the treatment they need quicker if they call 911.
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