311 Contact Centre celebrates 15 years of service to Winnipeggers

Police Media Release Notice

people working in cubicles
In 2022, 311 staff handled over 848,000 customer service interactions.

This week we’re celebrating a landmark for customer service at the City of Winnipeg.

Fifteen years ago, the 311 Contact Centre was launched to try to make life easier for residents who wanted to speak about City issues.

In 2009, 22 existing call centres with different phone numbers merged into one. The goal was to create a more efficient and effective way of responding to residents’ information and service requests, some of which came in outside of business hours.

Over the past decade and a half, we’ve worked hard to achieve that goal, while expanding 311’s scope through email, Facebook, X, and in-person options.

We have more than 25 self-service online forms that can be filled out on your computer or phone. These include ones on problems with peggomalfunctioning traffic signalsreporting parking violationsadvising us of a pothole, and requesting snow removal as well as sanding on a slippery road or sidewalk. You can see the full list by using the Apply/Register/Report dropdown menu under service requests on the 311 website

A woman receives help from a 311 customer service representative.
The customer service representatives at the 311 Saint-Boniface Counter, located at 170 Goulet St., offer in-person help in both French and English.

Customer service representatives are also available to help French-speaking residents in-person at 311-Saint Boniface, located at 170 Goulet St. Residents can also receive service in French by calling 311.

“311 is the City’s crucial nerve centre. Staff are the friendly and helpful voices residents rely on, and I want to thank them so much for the amazing work they do each and every day,” said Felicia Wiltshire, the City of Winnipeg’s Director of Customer Service and Communications.

In 2022, 311 staff handled over 848,000 customer service interactions. Our 2023 Citizen Satisfaction Survey found that 3 out of 5 Winnipeggers had contacted the City over the previous year.

Nearly all Winnipeggers who responded found their 311 representative courteous, helpful, and knowledgeable. Even so, we are always looking at ways to improve our service and provide our residents with the best customer experience.

The 311 Contact Centre operates 24/7 and can help with requests for service, information, concerns, as well as register you for City programs.

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This form is not intended to collect personal information; however, any personal information you choose to include in your comments is collected by the City of Winnipeg under the authority of section 36(1)(b) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of improving our website and will not be used or disclosed for any other purposes, except as authorized by law. Contact the Corporate Access and Privacy Officer by mail (City Clerk’s Department, Susan A. Thompson Building, 510 Main Street, Winnipeg MB, R3B 1B9) or by telephone (311) if you have any questions about the collection of this information.