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Displaying 61 - 70 of 462 results
- While adopting a dog or taking one out for a Doggie Date is a great way to help keep dogs out of the shelter, there are other ways you can help if you’re not ready to take a new pet into your home.
- In an emergency, seconds count. The Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Services wants to make sure you and your family have a home escape plan so everyone can safely and quickly exit your home if needed.
- In an emergency situation, seconds count and knowing what sounds to listen for, and how to respond, can help keep you and your loved ones safe. This Fire Prevention Week, review what those sounds mean.
- Each year, the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service responds to more than 100 house fires that start in a kitchen. A house fire can be deadly or lead to injuries or significant damages.
- The Grant Park-area library was given a SAB Magazine award for its sustainable design that’s rooted in Métis culture.
- A circular economy is a system of producing and consuming items that minimizes waste. This Circular Economy Month, let’s all work together to share, repair and recycle goods.
- As part of our commitment of reconciliation, the City of Winnipeg has planted three Indigenous gardens at City Hall.
- September 29 marks the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste - a day that we hope Winnipeggers will keep in mind as they go about preparing their meals, cleaning out their fridges, and at the grocery store.
- The City of Winnipeg was just given a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award and recognized for special performance measures by the Government Finance Officers Association of Canada and the U.S.
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