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Displaying 31 - 40 of 466 results
- We know current weather conditions are making getting around difficult for some Winnipeggers. We are doing what we can to make things easier; however, it is difficult to keep all surfaces passable at all times while snow just keeps melting and freezing.
- Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service's STEMI heart attack protocol helps patients get the treatment they need quicker if they call 911.
- This year, each library branch will have free family friendly programs, activities, and musical performances running in the evenings and every Saturday in February.
- On this day 150 years ago, newly elected officials held Winnipeg’s first ever City Council meeting.
- We’re unveiling a new graphic for Winnipeg’s 150th anniversary which represents our city as we know it, while acknowledging the importance of our Indigenous roots.
- Select Winnipeg Public Libraries have light therapy lamps available for use.
- The winter route parking ban will be lifted during the residential parking ban. This will provide residents more parking options while parking is prohibited on their residential streets. This is a new change for this year and, moving forward, will happen every time we declare a residential ban.
- Learn more about the Annual Winter Route Parking Ban.
- Fifteen years ago, the 311 Contact Centre was launched to try to make life easier for residents who wanted to speak about City issues.
- On the anniversary of Winnipeg’s first election, we take a look at how far we’ve come.
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