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Displaying 91 - 100 of 468 results
- The City of Winnipeg will be accepting applications for positions on various Boards and Commissions.
- Drivers passing through road construction should give workers space to do their jobs and be respectful of them to ensure everyone stays safe.
- Mosquito habitats are sometimes difficult to get to, which is why the City of Winnipeg is testing the use of a drone this summer as part of its mosquito control program.
- The Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Station in Windsor Park is being demolished. It will make way for a new one slated to open in 2024.
- When summer weather arrives, many Winnipeggers take advantage of the heat by taking a dip in a pool, while others seek out activities on Winnipeg’s many waterways, such as boating, kayaking, or canoeing. However you beat the heat, it's important to do so safely and responsibly.  Each year, the…
- We’ve made new videos to help Newcomers understand the basics of water safety. The videos are available in Arabic, English, French, Punjabi, and Tagalog.
- Reduced speed limits are in place throughout the city as part of three special programs and projects: neighbourhood greenways, seasonal bike routes, and the reduced-speed neighbourhood pilot. 
- The Living Prairie Museum will have sheep graze to help with vegetation management through July.
- This summer, take advantage of a variety of free activities around Winnipeg.
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