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Displaying 91 - 100 of 464 results
- When summer weather arrives, many Winnipeggers take advantage of the heat by taking a dip in a pool, while others seek out activities on Winnipeg’s many waterways, such as boating, kayaking, or canoeing. However you beat the heat, it's important to do so safely and responsibly.  Each year, the…
- We’ve made new videos to help Newcomers understand the basics of water safety. The videos are available in Arabic, English, French, Punjabi, and Tagalog.
- Reduced speed limits are in place throughout the city as part of three special programs and projects: neighbourhood greenways, seasonal bike routes, and the reduced-speed neighbourhood pilot. 
- The Living Prairie Museum will have sheep graze to help with vegetation management through July.
- This summer, take advantage of a variety of free activities around Winnipeg.
- The Instructor Guard Recruitment program is returning this summer, and will provide the opportunity for up to 40 successful applicants to receive the six courses required to apply as a lifeguard/swim instructor with us — all for free.
- The recently renovated children’s space at Millennium Library was created by Woven Collaborative, an Indigenous led design studio based in Manitoba. Designer Destiny Seymour explains the inspiration behind her design, and what people will find when they visit the space.
- Three Winnipeg parks were recently renamed under the Welcoming Winnipeg: Reconciling our History Policy.
- The 2023 World Police & Fire Games will be taking place in Winnipeg from July 28 - August 6, 2023. Several City of Winnipeg employees will be participating.
- The Story Seeds: Cultivating Wellness and Depth through Indigenous Plant Traditions exhibit is touring Winnipeg Public Library branches and explores the better-known crops and plants domesticated, developed, and harvested by Indigenous people of the Americas.
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