Serial Break & Enters – Arrest: C24-30354

Released: February 20, 2024 at 11:42 a.m.

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Between October 2023 and February 2024, The Winnipeg Police Service’s Property Crime Unit entered into an investigation regarding a plethora of break-ins in the South Pembina area, resulting in over $15,000 worth of stolen property.

Numerous residential garages and vehicles were broken into. Eight vehicles were stolen and recovered, and two attempted thefts resulted in defeated ignitions. Tools, cash and clothing were stolen from the garages and vehicles.

An apartment complex on Dalhousie Drive with over one hundred tenant mailboxes was broken into on nine separate occasions. Mail containing credit cards and cheques was stolen, and the repeated repairs cost approximately $80,000. The stolen credit cards and bank cards were subsequently used to make various purchases.

The following is a list of involved locations and a brief synopsis of some of the occurrences in the order they occurred:

  • the (1-99) block of Dalhousie Drive
  • the (1-99) block of Allendale Drive
  • the (1-99) block of Briarcliff Bay South
  • the (1-99) block of Briarlynn Road
  • the 100 block of Briarlynn Road
  • the 200 block of Dalhousie Drive
  • the 1700 block of Pembina Highway
  • the 3000 block of Pembina Highway
  • the 100 block of Baylor Avenue
  • the 100 block of Craigmohr Drive
  • the (1-99) block of Dedrick Bay
  • the 100 block of McKellar Drive
  • the (1-99) block of Newdale Avenue

On February 15, the Property Crime Unit, with the assistance of TST, members of the West District and the K9 and Drone Unit, executed a warrant at a residence in the (1-99) block of Newdale Avenue.

A female was taken into custody, and more stolen property linked to additional break-enter and theft reports was discovered.

A 23-year-old female, Kineisha JAWBONE of Winnipeg, was charged with 69 break-enter and theft-related offences and detained in custody.

The Winnipeg Police Service encourages the public to record serial numbers for personal items such as vehicles/trailers, leisure sports items, power tools and bicycles. Making a police report with such serial numbers can increase the chance that this property will be returned to the rightful owner if recovered.

How to report various property-related crimes will depend on several factors, including public safety, suspect information and the value of stolen or damaged goods/property.

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