Yellow Ribbon Greenway Extension to St. Matthews Avenue expands Winnipeg’s pedestrian and cycling network from St. James to Downtown

Released: November 16, 2018 at 1:31 p.m.

Winnipeg, MB – Today, Councillor Scott Gillingham, St. James Ward, officially opened the Yellow Ribbon Greenway Extension. The extension connects the Yellow Ribbon Trail to the buffered bike lanes on St. Matthews Avenue between Ferry Road and Century Street, and provides a safer, more comfortable experience for cyclists and pedestrians.

Completion of the off-street path closes the gap between the Yellow Ribbon Greenway and the St. Matthews Avenue cycling corridor using existing infrastructure along Silver Avenue and a new off-street pathway running alongside the back lane on Ferry Road.

“I’m pleased that with the completion of this project, we’re able to provide residents with increased connectivity to and from key destinations such as the Polo Park commercial area, The University of Winnipeg, and Downtown,” said Councillor Scott Gillingham, St. James. “This route will also provide connectivity to many neighbourhoods, recreational paths, schools, and parks in the area.”

In addition to the completion of the off-street path, separating pedestrians and cyclists from motor vehicle traffic, new traffic signals at the intersection of Ferry Road and St. Matthews Avenue provide a safe crossing for users. Access to an adjacent parking lot was maintained, and a dedicated approach was constructed.

The total cost of the Yellow Ribbon Greenway Extension to St. Matthews Avenue Project is approximately $750,000 from the 2018 Pedestrian and Cycling Program Action Plan.

For more information about this project visit: Yellow Ribbon Greenway Extension to St. Matthews Avenue.

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