Adjustable bike lane curbs pilot successful; adjustable curbs to be extended along Bannatyne Avenue

Released: August 3, 2018 at 11:10 a.m.

Winnipeg, MB – The City of Winnipeg ran a nine-month technical trial of adjustable bike lane curbs in summer 2017 on existing bike lanes on Sherbrook Street south of Cumberland Avenue, and on a section of Bannatyne Avenue next to Old Market Square. The goal of the trial was to explore the feasibility of adjustable bike lane curbs as a method for installing protected bike lanes.

“I’m pleased that the adjustable bike lane curbs pilot project was a success,” said Councillor Matt Allard, Chair of the Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works. “Using adjustable bike lane curbs will allow us to install protected bike lanes more quickly, and allow us to make adjustments to the design based on public feedback and future adjustments to roadways.”

“It was encouraging to see the feedback from individuals using all modes of transportation in the pilot project area expressing increased comfort,” said Councillor Mike Pagtakhan, Point Douglas Ward. “Being able to a make adjustments to the design based on public feedback is a key strength of the adjustable bike lane curbs, and I look forward to seeing more of them in the future.”

The adjustable bike lane curbs pilot was a success, with information collected during the pilot resulting in modifications to improve their durability and maintenance. Adjustable bike lane curbs allow the City to install protected bike lanes, improving comfort for users, while still allowing for adjustments to the design of the lane.

During the pilot, feedback was gathered from the public through an online survey and was generally positive. In both pilot locations, survey respondents using all modes of transportation (driving, cycling, and walking) reported increased comfort when passing through areas with adjustable curbs. Survey responses and how feedback was considered is now available in a public engagement report on the adjustable bike lane curbs webpage.

In 2018, the City’s West Alexander to East Exchange Corridor project will incorporate adjustable bike lane curbs. The City will continue to collect feedback from stakeholders and the public so that ongoing adjustments can be made to the West Alexander to East Exchange Corridor as necessary.

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