City remains committed to contract settlement with CUPE Local 500

Released: June 7, 2017 at 6:34 p.m.
Emergency and essential services to be provided to citizens in the event of a work stoppage

Winnipeg, MB - The City of Winnipeg has learned that employees represented by the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 500 have voted to reject the City’s contract offer. The result of this vote is that the Union has a strike mandate.

“While the result of the vote is disappointing, the City remains committed to finding a solution that is fair and reasonable to all parties, including Winnipeg taxpayers,” said Michael Jack, Chief Corporate Services Officer. “We are acutely aware of the financial burden that labour costs place on taxpayers, and the historic wage increases are no longer affordable.”

The City would like to reassure residents that there is not a work stoppage in effect at this time.

In the event of a work stoppage, the City will continue to provide essential services to the citizens of Winnipeg, including safe drinking water and other public safety measures including Police, Fire, and Paramedics. City services that are contracted out, such as recycling and garbage pickup would continue in a work stoppage, as would Winnipeg Transit.

Many non-essential services would either be reduced or closed temporarily. With regard to all other services the City of Winnipeg offers, the public would be informed with a comprehensive list of which services would or would not be provided, in the event of a work stoppage.

The City of Winnipeg believes it presented CUPE members with a fair and reasonable offer that takes into consideration the City’s current financial situation.

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