Equitable Access - Recreation is for Everyone!

Released: March 3, 2016 at 12:28 p.m.

Winnipeg, MB - Recreation and active living are key components of a vibrant community. To make access to recreation equitable for citizens, the City of Winnipeg is offering an enhanced fee subsidy program to expand access to recreation opportunities and experiences for Winnipeggers, regardless of family income.

“Meaningful and accessible recreation opportunities are an important part of a healthy community,” said Clive Wightman, director of Community Services. “To achieve individual and community wellbeing, we want to ensure that access to physical activity opportunities is equitable, meaning that everyone in our city can access resources, opportunities and experiences regardless of their family income.”

There are two main types of subsidies offered:

  • Facility access: provides a no-charge facility access pass for free admission to all City of Winnipeg pools and leisure centres.
  • Program subsidies: includes registered Leisure Guide activities, swimming lessons and drop-in active living programs.

To find out more about the fee subsidy program, including information on who qualifies and how to apply, pick up a copy of the Spring/Summer 2016 Leisure Guide, call 311 or visit City of Winnipeg - Recreation Fee Subsidy Program.

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