Prevent catalytic converter theft

Released: May 31, 2023 at 7:53 a.m.

Catalytic converter thefts can happen anywhere. From driveways to company compounds and public parking lots.

Catalytic converters are easy to steal and high in value which make them appealing to car thieves. The converters contain rare metals and can easily be cut from your vehicle with a portable saw or grinder

Top five vehicles targeted

  1. Hyundai Tucson
  2. Honda CR-V
  3. Hyundai Santa Fe
  4. Kia Sportage
  5. Mitsubishi RVR

Since converter thieves tend to target cars at ideal locations, most prevention methods involve your parking practices.

Manitoba Public Insurance gives these 5 tips to help protect your vehicle

  1. Park in well-lit areas.
  2. Park close to building entrances or the nearest road in public parking lots. This leaves your car in a location where many people can see it.
  3. If you have a personal garage, keep your car parked inside with the door shut.
  4. Add video surveillance to the area where you regularly park your car.
  5. Adjust the security system on your car, if already installed, to activate from vibrations, such as those produced by a saw.

You can go to Manitoba Public Insurance’s website to learn more about catalytic converter theft prevention.

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