Assault with a Weapon – Arrest: C23-63774

Released: March 20, 2023 at 11:57 a.m.

On March 19, 2023, at approximately 12:00 p.m., General Patrol members from the East District responded to a restaurant in the 1600 block of Regent Avenue West for an individual stabbed with a hypodermic needle.

Officers located the victim and a female suspect who appeared intoxicated and still on scene. The victim, in his 60s, reported that while waiting in line to order food, he was stabbed from behind with a hypodermic needle by an unknown female.

The victim made attempts to distract her, and the police were contacted.

Jessie Kayla GENAILLE (34) of Winnipeg was taken into custody and charged with the following offences:

- Assault with a Weapon

- Fail to Comply with Release Order

She was detained in custody.

The victim received medical attention for precautionary measures.


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