Intimidation of a Justice System Participant – Arrests: R21-35209

Released: January 12, 2023 at 10:54 a.m.


On January 11, 2023, with the assistance of the Calgary Police Service, a second suspect was taken into custody on the strength of a Canada-wide warrant with charges authorized by Manitoba Prosecution Services.

Randal Jay CAMERON (45), of Calgary, Alberta, was charged with the following offences:

- Intimidation of a Justice System Participant
- Attempt to Obstruct Justice

He was released on a Release Order by a Judicial Justice of the Peace.

Investigators do not anticipate any additional arrests.

The Winnipeg Police Service would like to thank the Calgary Police Service for assisting in this investigation.
As previously released:

In July 2021, the Winnipeg Police Service entered into an investigation regarding the attempted intimidation of a presiding Judge, Chief Justice of the Court of King’s Bench, Glenn JOYAL.

The Major Crimes Unit continued its investigation. Investigators determined that a private investigation firm was hired to surveil the judge. Investigators also learned the suspect was a legal representative of several provincial churches and associates of churches in Manitoba and was in the process of bringing a high-profile constitutional challenge to provincially enacted Covid-19 Public Health Orders. Chief Justice Glen JOYAL was presiding over this matter.

With assistance from the Calgary Police Service, a suspect was placed under arrest on the strength of a Canada-wide warrant with charges authorized by Manitoba Justice.

John Victor CARPAY (55), of Calgary, Alberta, is charged with the following offences:

- Intimidation of a Justice System Participant
- Attempt to Obstruct Justice

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