Robbery – Arrests: C22-291224

Released: December 16, 2022 at 3:28 p.m.

On December 15, 2022, at 11:30 p.m., Central District General Patrol officers responded to a bar in the 700 block of Maryland Street for a report of five males assaulting a male on the ground (inside the establishment) and that they were armed with bottles and a possible knife.

Upon arrival, officers took four males into custody. A fifth male attempted to flee on foot but was taken into custody nearby. The victim, a male in his 30’s, was transported to a hospital in stable condition.

Members of the Major Crimes Unit continued with the investigation.

It is believed that the victim had been inside the bar when he was confronted and assaulted by the group of five (previously unknown to him). During the incident, the victim’s money and property were stolen.

Dylan Aaron John Wood, a 24-year-old male of Winnipeg, has been charged with:

- Robbery

Lagaylia Monias, a 21-year-old male of Winnipeg, has been charged with:

- Robbery

John James Harper, a 41-year-old male of Winnipeg, has been charged with:

- Robbery

Hubert Junior Flett, a 33-year-old male of Winnipeg, has been charged with:

- Robbery

Dwayne Terrance Harper, a 38-year-old male of Winnipeg, has been charged with:

- Robbery

All five were detained in custody.

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